

7FATES: CHAKHO, Vol. 5 (comic)

Created by: HYBE

With: BTS

Letterer: Abigail Blackman

7FATES: CHAKHO, Vol. 5 (comic)

Created by: HYBE

With: BTS

Letterer: Abigail Blackman

When Zeha learns Hupo is nearby, he rushes over, eager to get revenge and some answers from the enemy who started it all. But as they finally cross blades, Zeha only finds more questions—what really happened four thousand years ago? Who are the real enemies? And what does fate have in store for Team Chakho?

series cover

7FATES: CHAKHO, Vol. 5 (comic)


7FATES: CHAKHO (comic)

Trim Size


Page Count

212 pages



Release Date

Oct 22, 2024

Age Rating

T (Teen)


Ize Press

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