Author: HaccaWorks*
Artist: Nanao
Translated by: Alexis Eckerman
Translated by: Jocelyne Allen
Author: HaccaWorks*
Artist: Nanao
Translated by: Alexis Eckerman
Translated by: Jocelyne Allen
Within the barrier, Yue is up against an unexpected foe in his attempt to rescue Tougo-his dear friend Kurogitsune. To force Yue's hand in taking a Meal and saving himself, Kurogitsune casts Tougo into the camellia pond. But upon rushing after the helpless captive, Yue is confronted by the age-old conflict between the desire to protect and the desire to consume that befalls all humans who assume the role of yorishiro. What path will Yue choose?
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Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi, Vol. 9
Of the Red, the Light and the Ayakashi
192 pages
Dec 19, 2017
OT (Older Teen)
Yen Press
Of the Red, the Light and the Ayakashi
198 pages
Dec 19, 2017
OT (Older Teen)
Yen Press
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