Author: HaccaWorks*
Artist: Nanao
Translated by: Alexis Eckerman
Translated by: Jocelyne Allen
Author: HaccaWorks*
Artist: Nanao
Translated by: Alexis Eckerman
Translated by: Jocelyne Allen
Satou declares a change in Tougo's fate: in order for Mikoto, the master of the ayakashi, to regain her power, Tougo will be sacrificed to the camellia pond. Held prisoner, the unconscious Tougo weeps in his dreams over his mother Akane's betrayal in running off with the mysterious Yoshiki. Will Abe-san and Company, tasked with Tougo, who is immersed in bleak thoughts, be unable to resist the temptation of a three-star Meal?! The truth looms ever closer...
$6.99 US / $8.99 CAN
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Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi, Vol. 8
Of the Red, the Light and the Ayakashi
160 pages
Sep 26, 2017
OT (Older Teen)
Yen Press
Of the Red, the Light and the Ayakashi
164 pages
Sep 26, 2017
OT (Older Teen)
Yen Press
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