

Goblin Slayer: A Day in the Life2

Author: Kumo Kagyu

Artist: Daichi Matsuse

Artist: Noboru Kannatuki

Translated by: Kevin Steinbach

Letterer: Anthony Quintessenza

Goblin Slayer: A Day in the Life2

Author: Kumo Kagyu

Artist: Daichi Matsuse

Artist: Noboru Kannatuki

Translated by: Kevin Steinbach

Letterer: Anthony Quintessenza

In a remote town dwells a man single-mindedly devoted to the slaughter of goblins—a man known as Goblin Slayer. Sharp as his focus may be, he cannot help but subtly influence the adventurers who come and go, changing and growing around him… As winter approaches, Guild Girl and Cow Girl find beauty in the wait for returning adventurers. And in the shadows, a party known only as “The Runners” pursues adventure without the promise of glory…

series cover

Goblin Slayer: A Day in the Life, Vol. 2 (manga)

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