Posted Apr 10, 2013 by
Yesterday marked a milestone in the Yen offices with the publication of HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD, ACT. 30, the latest chapter in Daisuke Sato and Shouji Sato's zombie extravaganza. It was our first simultaneous e-book release of a chapter of Japanese content! (Yes, with the time difference with Japan it might not have been truly "simultaneous," but since it was the same day, we're not splitting hairs.)
There are definitely some things we can make a bit more seamless, but on a whole, we're thrilled with how the whole thing came together and want to thank everyone who's already lent their support to the creators, to Kadokawa, and to us. Making more content available to fans like this is a key initiative for Yen Press, and if you're a fan of manga who wants the material faster and more accessibly in English, there really is no more positive impact you can make than by purchasing the official releases.
The chapter is currently available through the following e-tailers, and we hope you'll check it out! In the meantime, we'll be working diligently behind the scenes in an effort to bring you more manga this way soon. Stay tuned!
Kurt Hassler, Publishing Director
Click to Purchase: Amazon (Kindle) | Barnes & Noble (Nook) | Google Play | iTunes Bookstore