Posted May 06, 2011 by Supadu Dev
On Saturday May 7 (TOMORROW!!!) comic book shops around the country will be distributing FREE COMICS to everyone who walks through their doors! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!
Among the many other super-cool things going on tomorrow, you can pick up your FREE copy of the first chapter of James Patterson's WITCH & WIZARD manga with art by Svetlana Chmakova of Nightschool fame! Meet Whit and Wisty, teenage siblings who are roused one morning by a squadron of armed police with an arrest warrant. The charges? Whit and Wisty are accused of being a witch and a wizard! The charges seem absurd...until the agitated Wisty inexplicably bursts into flame... As their powers develop, so does their will to fight against the iron-fisted government of The New Order!
We know that "FREE" is everyone's favorite four-letter "F" word, so make sure you stop by your local comic book shop and check out what's new in the world of comics!