Posted Mar 11, 2011 by Supadu Dev
The zombie apocalypse has begun…and YEN PLUS has been infected! This month, the pages of YEN PLUS are crawling with flesh-hungry undead in the first chapter of Highschool of the Dead! And not just any flesh-hungry undead! These zombies are in FULL COLOR!!! Yen Press is pleased to announce that we will be releasing the full color editions of Daisuke Sato and Shouji Sato's Highschool of the Dead, just released in Japan on February 25! And you can enjoy the first chapter of Highschool of the Dead's five-chapter YEN PLUS run right this very moment! Hurry! Before it's too late……
If blood and gore isn't your thing, don't worry! We have all-new chapters of your YEN PLUS favorites, including new chapters of Gossip Girl! The drama is really heating up now that little J's exposed B's secret, but B's about to return the favor...
There are also new pages from the third volume of K-ON! (look for Volume 2 this month!), Maximum Ride, Witch & Wizard, Yotsuba&!… So check out this month's YEN PLUS now!
As always, we appreciate your comments and feedback below!